
Overcome dialogue gap & achieve optimal outcomes @work, @home, & in society

The world is divided between variants of capitalism and socialism but both systems have their failings. I suggest a new ‘ism for the 21st century called potentialism. At the heart of Potentialism is not capital (because we know that an overemphasis on money destroys the soul) nor is it social (because we know self-interest is the ultimate motivator). Instead the heart of potentialism is potential because if we live life with the philospophy that we have a duty to realise our potential while helping others realise theirs the world will be a better place, the wealth gap will narrow, the environment will be protected and people will live together more harmoniously.


Potentialism is based upon John Nash’s Nobel Prize winning economic theory which proves the optimal outcome is the point at which no one party can gain more without another party losing something. Just think how these situations would be transformed if stakeholders were thinking about others as much as they were thinking about themselves:

In GroupvsOut Group


How to achieve optimal outcomes?

Ensure the right people dialogue about the right issues, in the right way, at the right time, and in the right space. Then through respect and understanding for the stakeholders and issues involved, decisions can be made to achieve the optimal outcome at that particular moment in time.

What we do

The Potential Dialogue System is grounded in Potentialism and as things change the process continues because nothing lasts forever. The most common problems solved by leveraging Potentialism and the Potential Dialogue System include:


  • Clarify what you want to achieve, who the stakeholders are, what issues are involved and then based on these inputs how to get what you want


  • Understand your personal strengths and weaknesses and how to adjust your behaviour to improve your interpersonal effectiveness and your ability to dialogue, influence and negotiate

  • Manage emotions to improve happiness and relationships at work, at home, and in society

  • Remove rough edges from your behaviour by learning how overdoing strengths creates upset in others and by strengthening your weaknesses to better connect with “difficult” people

  • Understand the causes of conflict in your relationships and consciously remove these to enjoy more harmony and success at work, at home and in society


  • Diagnose and prioritise the issues affecting your situation and resolve them through teamwork with those involved

  • Use dialogue methods to get conflicting people to work together towards a common goal

  • Learn and practice dialogue skills to engage key stakeholders to talk about the right issues, in the right way, time, and space to achieve an optimal outcome.


  • Learn how to network, connect with and ask questions of other people to uncover their needs and wants, motivations, relationship threads, etc.

  • Follow relationship threads to propose your ideas and services to others to build your business, change the world, seek the help you need, or simply build friendships

  • Learn and apply the dialogue sales process and relationship selling principles to improve your personal and organisational lives


  • Know how to use tactics and process changes to influence others and get what you want

  • Identify and measure the range of issues affecting your situation to better understand how to create best, worst, and middle case scenarios

  • Exchange concessions to reach agreement and lock in the other side

  • Resolve disputes and conflicts no matter how big or small


  • Identify and resolve the behaviours preventing your team or organisation from achieving excellence