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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rhoncus ac mi vitae fringilla. Duis rhoncus bibendum iaculis. Etiam feugiat urna a luctus euismod. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla facilisi. Morbi malesuada semper accumsan. Donec viverra orci nunc, in tempor ex ullamcorper sed. Integer eu mollis nisi. Vivamus mi tortor, finibus vel ullamcorper sit amet, accumsan a mi. Praesent gravida justo et mauris eleifend, sed efficitur magna tristique. Donec sem ligula, hendrerit id elit et, maximus vehicula ante. Maecenas rutrum condimentum purus, nec vulputate nisl efficitur non. Aliquam malesuada eu sapien at pretium. Proin sollicitudin convallis orci ut interdum.
Potential designs and prints cards to remind dialogue leaders of the best practices shared through our speaking, training, consulting and books. To order your sample pack click on the button below to receive a set for yourself or to give as a gift to your friends, family, colleagues or students. The solution is in the dialogue.
Each sample pack contains:
1 deck of poker card sized bilingual (English/Chinese) dialogue playing cards. (1 deck = 54 cards) featuring a different dialogue skill on every card and used to teach dialogue skills to current and emerging leaders, students, teams, families and couples. These popular cards were featured in-flight duty free on Cathay Pacific and Dragon Air when first published. Retail value HK$100 per pack.
5 assorted full colour passport-sized 2-fold pocket cards selected from our current inventory of leadership, dialogue, negotiation, business development, meeting management, conflict leadership and corporate culture English only cards. Retail value HK$25.00
5 assorted business card sized 0, 1, or 2 fold memory jogger cards selected from our inventory of English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean language dialogue, negotiation, business development, corporate culture, leadership and change management cards. Retail value HK$5.00
Our special introductory price of USD25.00 per sample pack includes shipping and handling anywhere in the world.